Selasa, 12 Ogos 2008

Cerita Bersiri

Hari mula petang apabila mataku mula terkuak. Perlahan-lahan sinar matahari petang itu masuk menembusi retina mata yang membuatkan mataku pedih. Aku belum berniat untuk bingkas bangun daripada pembaringanku jika bukan kuterdengar suara ibu yang semakin lama menyesakkan telingaku. Ibu membebel lagi. Entah apa yang dibebelkan ibu kali ini. Dapat juga kutangkap suara kecil dari belakang rumah. Itu suara adik. Mindaku berputar memikirkan hal itu. Aah, mungkin ibu bebelkan adik! Aku berniat untuk menyambung peraduanku. Baju yang kupakai semalam yang berada di birai katil kugapai lalu kuletakkan di atas mataku. Petua ini diajar oleh sahabat baikku, kononya boleh memudahkan mata terlelap. Selalu kucuba, dan selalunya berjaya. Tapi kali ini berlainan, semacam ada suatu tarikan pada kelopak mataku supaya tidak menutupnya kembali. Sedaya upaya aku mencuba untuk melelapkan mataku namun masih tidak berjaya. Lima belas minit kemudian, tatkala aku sedang berusaha untuk melelapkan mata, aku bagai hilang sabar apabila mataku masih belum menunjukkan tanda-tanda untuk terlelap semula. Dengan kasar aku menolak baju yang menutupi mataku. Satu dengusan yang kasar juga kulepaskan. Hatiku cukup geram saat itu. Serasanya belum sampai tiga jam aku melelapkan mata sepulangnya kau dari tempat pekerjaanku.


Ahad, 10 Ogos 2008

Anything that we should know...

In the past few days, I keep remind myself of what kind of thing that I should and the things that I should'nt do. What is it for actually? Its doesnt matter indeed for someone who doesnt know what to think of and what to plan with. What a crowded days and life of being awesome for itself? Its such kind of restricting with those improved manouvre. In terms of student, I think I should plan to make some great dress-mancipation of myself for inddedly.

Once, as I am a student, I already prepare for all of my remention and adjustment of chaos one day later. But the remention such giving me a very connotative life planner. Why I say so, because in some direction of missgiving of myself, I feel that there is a stuborn inspite or instead of that. My friend did told me about what I gonna do and I should brass-done before. What a messy?! But its not a sense for me as I already prepare of rewarding myself with such recomanouvre reveal.

What so over I think I should just told all the important recomanouvre aspects! Bye for now...

Ahad, 3 Ogos 2008


Me, at my room..

Jumaat, 1 Ogos 2008

1st August 2008

Ever heard about a legendary folks story that about a Girl and a Mousedeer who are live as a very best Friend? Well. its a very nice folks story for me.

Did you remember whats is the day today? Its FRIENDSHIP DAYS... No wonder if you remember it or not, just say some words to your friend who maybe did gave some encouragemnent, believeness, trusworthy and such kind good manners to youself! As I said before, Know, Shake hand, Appreciate and Love your friend... because one day later, its your friend who will give more better life to you...

To all my friends
-Olow, Jes, Echan, Byn, Ety, Qelleh, Eruk, Dadie, Joyce, Ila, Ela, Ati, Abed, Tam, Buid, Saint, Madi, Omen, Nony, Jlye, Tomy, Didie, Lan, Syuk, Lvin, Mariana, Talyn, Som, Diana, Chulay, Jeny, Meili, Land, Ater, San, Simon, Juhin, Didi, Rado, Kojoc, Vince, Lobe, Hajar, T'c, Jo'c, Evelyn, Suzana, Amvey, Yob, Nanit, Maltine, Ika ( All the choirs for St. Jonh Chapel Batu 4 ), John Bro, Thomas, Daniel, Louis, Jane, Rozie... and everyone who know me
Nice to meet all of you guys... Good luck and God Bless!!