Jumaat, 1 Ogos 2008

1st August 2008

Ever heard about a legendary folks story that about a Girl and a Mousedeer who are live as a very best Friend? Well. its a very nice folks story for me.

Did you remember whats is the day today? Its FRIENDSHIP DAYS... No wonder if you remember it or not, just say some words to your friend who maybe did gave some encouragemnent, believeness, trusworthy and such kind good manners to youself! As I said before, Know, Shake hand, Appreciate and Love your friend... because one day later, its your friend who will give more better life to you...

To all my friends
-Olow, Jes, Echan, Byn, Ety, Qelleh, Eruk, Dadie, Joyce, Ila, Ela, Ati, Abed, Tam, Buid, Saint, Madi, Omen, Nony, Jlye, Tomy, Didie, Lan, Syuk, Lvin, Mariana, Talyn, Som, Diana, Chulay, Jeny, Meili, Land, Ater, San, Simon, Juhin, Didi, Rado, Kojoc, Vince, Lobe, Hajar, T'c, Jo'c, Evelyn, Suzana, Amvey, Yob, Nanit, Maltine, Ika ( All the choirs for St. Jonh Chapel Batu 4 ), John Bro, Thomas, Daniel, Louis, Jane, Rozie... and everyone who know me
Nice to meet all of you guys... Good luck and God Bless!!

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